目前分類:歷史觀點 (145)

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什麼都別說:北愛爾蘭謀殺與記憶的真實故事(Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland,Patrick Radden Keefe)

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製造非洲白種人:聖經故事、殖民探險、人種假說,一段尋找人類起源的歷史(The Lost White Tribe: Explorers, Scientists, and the Theory that Changed a Continent,Michael F. Robinson)

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爽拿的時代:一九六○年代美國民權改革的貽害(The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties,Christopher Caldwell)

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維琪政府症候群:法國難以面對的二戰記憶(Le syndrome de Vichy: de 1944 à nos jours,Henry Rousso)

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父輩的罪惡:德國如何面對歷史,走向未來?(Learning from the Germans: Race and the Memory of Evil,Susan Neiman)

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追求文明:從近代早期英格蘭的禮儀,重探人類文明化進程的意義(In Pursuit of Civility:Manners and Civilization in Early Modern England,Keith Thomas)

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歐亞海上之主:群雄紛起的海上大亂鬥(To Rule Eurasia's Waves:The New Great Power Competition at Sea,Geoffrey F. Gresh)

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海權論:海權對歷史的影響(The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783,Alfred Thayer Mahan)

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民族的重建:波蘭、烏克蘭、立陶宛、白俄羅斯:1569-1999(The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999,Timothy Snyder)

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阿富汗文件:從911反恐開戰到全面撤軍,阿富汗戰爭真相揭密(The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War,Craig Whitlock)

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積極防禦:從國際情勢、內部鬥爭,解讀1949年以來中國軍事戰略的變與不變(Active Defense: China’s Military Strategy since 1949,M. Taylor Fravel)

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歷史的目擊者:以圖像作為歷史證據的運用與誤用(Eyewitnessing: The Uses of Images As Historical Evidence,Peter Burke)

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戰爭:暴力、衝突與動盪如何形塑人類與社會(War: How Conflict Shaped Us ,Margaret MacMillan)

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罪惡感的代價:德國與日本對二戰的記憶(The Wages of Guilt: Memories of War in Germany and Japan,Ian Buruma)

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胡適的頓挫:自由與威權衝撞下的政治抉擇(黃克武)<---> 舍我其誰:胡適 (璞玉成壁,日正當中,為學論證,國師策士四部)(江勇振)

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革命萬歲:霍布斯邦論拉丁美洲(Viva la revolución: Eric Hobsbawm on Latin America,Eric J. Hobsbawm)

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拉丁美洲:被切開的血管(Las Venas Abiertas de América Latina,Eduardo Galeano)

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無敵艦隊(The Armada,Garrett Mattingly)

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西班牙的靈魂:宗教熱情與躁動理想如何形塑西班牙的命運(Spain: The Root and the Flower: An Interpretation of Spain and Spanish People,John A. Crow)

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