目前分類:經濟觀點 (72)

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父酬者:姓氏、階級與社會不流動(The Son Also Rises: Surnames and the History of Social Mobility,Gregory Clark)

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貨幣幻覺+貨幣縮水(Tne Money Illusion & Why Is Dollar Shrinking: A Study in the High Cost of Living, Irving Fisher)

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Myth and Measerement:The New E

Myth and Measurement:The New Economics of the Minimum Wage( David Card & Alan B. Krueger )

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The Cost Disease: Why Computer

The Cost Disease: Why Computers Get Cheaper and Health Care Doesn't(William J. Baumol & David de Ferranti & Monte Malach & Ariel Pablos Mendez & Hilary Tabish & Lilian Gomory Wu)

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Underground Empire: How Americ

Underground Empire: How America Weaponized the World Economy(Henry Farrell & Abraham Newman)

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供應鏈戰爭︰砂、鹽、鐵、銅、鋰、石油的戰略價值( Material World: A Substantial Story of Our Past and Future, Ed Conway)

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能源賽局:地緣政治混亂時代,金融政策與民主制度的下一步(Disorder : Hard Times in the 21st Century, Helen Thompson)

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凡爾賽和約的經濟後果(  The Economic Consequences of the Peace, John Maynard Keynes)

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  教育和技術的競賽(The Race between Education and Technology, Claudia Dale Goldin &  Lawrence F. Katz )

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事業還是家庭? : 女性追求平等的百年旅程

事業還是家庭? : 女性追求平等的百年旅程(Career and Family: Women’s Century-Long Journey toward Equity, Claudia Goldin)

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台灣經濟四百年(A 400-Year History of Taiwanese Economy,吳聰敏)

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價值戰爭:極權中國與民主陣營的終極經濟衝突(Ultimate Economic Conflict between China and Democratic Countires:An Institutional Analysis, 朱敬一,羅昌發,李柏青,林建志)

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億萬救援:聯準會傳聲筒揭密,鮑爾新冠救市衝擊的真實故事(Triillion Dollar Triage: How Jay Powell and the Fed battled a president and pandemic - and Prevented  Economic Disaster , Nick Timiraos  )

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 世界不再是平的:後全球化時代的供應鏈重組與地緣政治預測(The End of the World Is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization,Peter Zeihan)

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柏南克談聯準會:二十一世紀貨幣政策(21st Century Monetary Policy: The Federal Reserve from the Great Inflation to COVID-19,Ben S. Bernanke)

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綠色精神:諾貝爾經濟學家的永續藍圖(The Spirit of Green: The Economics of Collisions and Contagions in a Crowded World,William Nordhaus)

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變化中的世界秩序:橋水基金應對國家興衰的原則(Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail,Ray Dalio)

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金融煉金術的終結:貨幣、銀行體系與全球經濟的未來(The End of Alchemy: Money, Banking and the Future of the Global Economy,Mervyn King)

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克魯曼戰殭屍:洞悉殭屍經濟的本質,揪出政經失能的本源(Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future,Paul Krugman)

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