目前分類:社會 (126)

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請說「國語」:看語言的瀕危與復興,如何左右身分認同、文化與強權的「統一」敘事(Speak Not:  Empire, Identity and the Politics of Language, James Griffiths)

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追獵死亡商人:從一個中國軍火商窺探全球武器黑市的祕密( Die Jagd auf das chinesische Phantom: Der gef lichste Waffenh ler der Welt oder: Die Ohnmacht des Westens ,Bastian Obermayer  &  Frederik Obermaier & Philipp Grüll  &  顧思福 Christoph Giesen )

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Locking Up Our Own: Crime and

Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America(James Forman,Jr.)

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The Sovereign Individual:Maste

The Sovereign Individual:Mastering the transition to the Information Age(  James Dale Davidson  &  William Rees-Mogg)

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隱性偏見:為什麼我們無法平等看待每個人?(The End of Bias: A Beginning:The Science and Practice of Overcoming Unconscious Bias , Jessica Nordell)

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我受傷,故而我存在:關於種族創傷,亞裔美國人的少數者感受(MINOR FEELING: An Asian American Reckoning, Cathy Park Hong)

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學神:中國菁英教育現場一手觀察(STUDY GODS: How the New Chinese Elite Prepare for Global Competition, 姜以琳)

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他們說我是間諜 :人類學家與她的祕密警察監控檔案 ( My Life as a Spy: Investigations in a Secret Police File,  Katherine Verdery)

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閨蜜: 說八卦、宮鬥劇,女人總是為難女人。歷史上難道沒有值得歌頌的真摯情誼ㄞ?(The Social Sex: A History of Female Friendship, Marilyn Yalom & Theresa Donovan Brown )

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歡場女孩:慾望、歡愉與性苦悶,近代法國性產業的形式與管制  (Les Filles de noce: misère sexuelle et prostitution, XIXe et XXe siècles , Alain Corbin)

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春藥:從神話、宗教與社會,探討人類服用春藥的文化意涵 (Isoldens Liebestrank, Claudia Müller-Ebeling & Christian Rätsch)

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他們用女性主義幹了什麼!:在流行文化中被架空的社會運動(WE WERE FEMINISTS ONCE: From Riot Grrrl to CoverGirl®, the Buying and Selling of a Political Movement, ANDI ZEISLER)

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犬儒與玩笑 : 假面社會的政治幽默

犬儒與玩笑 : 假面社會的政治幽默(徐賁)

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荒誕醫學史(QUACKERY:A Brief History of the Worst Way to Cure Everything , LYDIA KANG &  NADE PEDERSEN)

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白癡的歷史:18世紀至今世人如何看待智能障礙者(Those they called idiots: The Idea of the Disabled Mind from 1700 to the Present Day, Simon Jarrett)

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當「洗腦」統治了我們:思想控制的技術(MIND CONTROL ZOUHO KAITEI-BAN, マインド.コントロール ,Takashi Okada)

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黑錢:從慈善煙幕、空殼公司、採購暗盤、到商場禮數,自由市場是企業行賄的溫床? (Kickback: Exposing the Global Corporate Bribery Network,David Montero)

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染紅中國:中共建國初期的控制政治 (Politics of Control: Creating Red Culture in the Early People’s Republic of China,洪長泰 ) + 毛澤東的新世界:中華人民共和國初期的政治文化(Mao's New World: Political Culture in the Early People's Republic, 洪長泰)

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區判:品味判斷的社會批判 (La Distinction : critique sociale du jugement,Pierre Bourdieu)

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